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Ã山ǿ¼é Club Sports EmblemThe health of your club is determined by the health of your leadership team. We desire to help you know what is expected of you throughout the semester, and give you the resources you need to be successful. If you're like any of the other club leaders, you want your club to be around for decades to come. Maintaining your club can be mundane, and even downright difficult at times. It takes dedication, hard work, and sacrifice. This is the price of leadership. Below are resources and expectations that are needed to build a successful club

Chase Mosser
Program Coordinator, Intramurals and Club Sports
812 465-1216

There is much to understand about your club and the responsibilities you have to make sure you abide by the rules and regulations of Ã山ǿ¼é and the Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness Center.  

To be registered as a Club Sport and to maintain active status with the Ã山ǿ¼é (Ã山ǿ¼é) and the department of Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness (RFW), each club must observe and fulfill the following policies and responsibilities:

I. Membership and Eligibility

All Ã山ǿ¼é Club Sports members must fulfill one of the following requirements to be eligible for participation:

  • Current Ã山ǿ¼é student (enrolled in at least 6 credits)
  • Current Ã山ǿ¼é faculty member
  • Current Ã山ǿ¼é staff member

Each club will determine its own membership rules. However, no participant may be discriminated against for reasons of race, age, religion, sex, color, ethnic or national origin, physical, mental, or sensory disability, marital status, political or social affiliation, or sexual orientation. Not all members are required to compete. Each club is responsible for knowing and adhering to its own association / league regulations governing eligibility for participation.  Ã山ǿ¼é Alumni are prohibited from participating.


The privileges and advantages of being involved in a student organization are many; however, before a club is able to take full advantage of these privileges the club must register with the Office of Student Development Programs. This includes keeping the Office of Student Development Programs aware of the club’s activities and status and updating records. They use an online organization portal called EagleSync, which you will use to communicate with your club and with the school.

**Clubs must renew their registration each fall**

III. Club Sports Waiver and Release Form

All participants of Club Sports at Ã山ǿ¼é are exposed to the possibility of physical injury due to the nature of the activity. Club members accept this risk and responsibility as their own by choosing to participate. Therefore, all club members will be required to read and sign an agreement to participate/release form. This release form must be completed and filed with the RFW before individuals participate in any practice or competition. To download, print, and fill out this form, click here.

IV. Club Sport Representative Meetings

The RFW will hold organizational and informational meetings throughout the academic year. There will be at least two meetings during the fall semester and two during the spring semester. These meetings are essential for effective administration of all active club sports. All clubs must have representation (at least 2 members in attendance) at these meetings. The following meeting attendance policy will be enforced:

  • 1st Offense: The club sport will be on probation for the remainder of the academic year and must meet with a RFW staff member within one week of the missed meeting. Failure to meet with the RFW will result in further disciplinary actions.
  • 2nd Offense: The club sport will become inactive and lose its registration as a Ã山ǿ¼é Club Sport. This will result in the removal of facility/space reservations for the club.

V. Accurate Membership Roster and Officer Listing

It is important to keep the club’s information current and accurate. Keep the RFW aware of any changes in your club’s leadership or status as a club. Notify the office as soon as possible after an election or selection of new officers, if the club selects a new advisor, or if there are any changes/additions to the coaching staff. It is very important that both the membership roster and officer listing are kept current to ensure that all members meet University and club eligibility requirements and have the proper waiver forms completed and on file. This also will insure that mailings and other necessary information are sent to the correct people. Doing this in a timely manner will ensure that the club is able to take full advantage of all the privileges available.

VI. Designate Club Advisor

Student organizations are required to have an advisor who must be a member of the Ã山ǿ¼é faculty or professional staff. The advisor assumes responsibility for working on a continual basis with his or her respective club in accordance with the policies of the institution. Advisors give their time and expertise to facilitate the growth and development of students through the group process. The faculty advisor’s role is to monitor activities so that the club and each of its members meet all requirements listed in this Club Sports Handbook, including practice, competition, travel, and insurance requirements. It is important to maintain a relationship with the advisor, because he/she provides a degree of continuity to the club as new students arrive and others graduate.

The advisor must complete and submit the code of conduct form to be kept on file at the RFW.

VII. Designate a Club Sport Coach

The coach does not have to be a Ã山ǿ¼é employee, but must be approved by the Club Sports Advisory Committee which may consist of:

  • The RFW Program Coordinator
  • The RFW Director
  • The Program Advisor for Student Activities

The coach must demonstrate the appropriate expertise in that particular activity with an emphasis on safety for those participating. He/she shall have appropriate certifications in that sport (if available) and certifications in CPR and First Aid.

The coach also will meet with the RFW Program Coordinator and Director to ensure that he/she understands and agrees to follow all University policies regarding safety, travel, eligibility, and the Ã山ǿ¼é Code of Student Behavior.

The coach(es) must complete and submit the code of conduct form to be kept on file at the RFW.

VIII. Safety of All Individuals Participating in Club-Sponsored Events

Safety is extremely important and all precautions should be taken to ensure that club members and visiting team members practice safe procedures when participating in a club sport event or activity.

Risk Management

The following precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of all participants:

  • Absolutely no practices or contests will be scheduled until the required forms have been completed and returned to the RFW. The required forms are:
  1. Assumption of risk and general wavier of all claims (for each participant)
  2. Club sport officer list and list of members certified in CPR / First Aid
  3. Copies of drivers license and medical insurance cards
  • All clubs will be required to have a minimum of two members certified in First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). The club will provide a list of all members currently certified in First Aid and/or CPR. Copies of certifications cards will be on file with the RFW. It is mandated that at least one member with current CPR certification and one member with current First Aid certification be present at all club functions. For clubs that do not have anyone with current certification, the RFW will provide classes to obtain certification at very minimal cost ($5 for the certification card). Failure to have a safety officer with proper certification may result in a loss of privileges and status as a club.
  • A First Aid kit must be on site for all club functions. First Aid kits can be checked out from the RFW.
  • Inspect fields and facilities prior to every practice session, game, or special event and report unsafe field conditions to the RFW. If you are at an off-campus site, report the condition to the on-duty personnel. Do not use facilities or equipment if they appear unsafe.
  • All personal injuries suffered during Club Sports activity must be reported to and the appropriate accident report forms completed for the RFW within 24 hours of the injury.
  • All clubs hosting events and/or practices at Ã山ǿ¼é will need to be able to communicate with emergency personnel. Therefore, all hosting clubs will need to arrange for telephone(s) access at the site of the event. For outdoor events, each event site will need to have access to a cellular or public telephone. All club members must have access to emergency numbers.
  • Ã山ǿ¼é clubs are not permitted to host a competition with individuals involved under 18 years of age. Opposing teams are required to sign a form abiding by this policy.

IX. Training for Succeeding Members

Transitioning from one club president to another is very important. This transition must be as smooth as possible so that the club can continue. Please remember to talk to the younger members so they know what needs to be done. Introduce them to people on campus that they need to interact with in the future. Start keeping all files and information in a binder or folder to hand down to your successor(s). What you do today will affect the future successes (or failures) of your club so please take this seriously.

X. Equipment

Clubs may purchase equipment for their teams using club funds. This equipment may be stored at the RFW in the assigned locations. If the RFW purchases equipment for a club, it must be kept in storage at the RFW and checked out when needed. Remember that your equipment is safe at the RFW and can be accessed at any time. Just find a supervisor and they should be able to make your equipment available to you.

XI. Facebook

Clubs are encouraged to develop their own online presence to help raise awareness of their club's activities. Facebook is an incredible tool to not only engage fans, but also manage private club communications. To leverage the full power of Facebook, understanding the difference between Fan Pages and Groups is imperative:

  • Facebook Fan Pages: These are used to communicate with those "outside" your club. Anyone who "likes" your fan page will have access to information about your club. You can post your future events, show off your club's photos, or even brag about last game's score. You can even set up different users in your club to be able to post on the club's behalf.
  • Facebook Groups: Groups are used to communicate with those "inside" your club. The group can be set to "private" (which is recommended for a club), and anything posted will be seen only by those who have been granted access. You can post private events, upload documents, poll your members, or simply discuss issues related to your club.
    Set guidelines for what types of posts are allowed in your group.
    Members are now able to turn off notifications for a group, and they are more likely to do that if they receive a large number of notifications for irrelevant, foolish posts. Treat your group as a perpetual business meeting. Be consistent, and delete any posts that do not meet the criteria you set. If a particular member seems to violate these guidelines frequently, you might consider speaking to them privately. Some clubs work around this issue by creating two private groups: one for business and one for pleasure.

XII. Create a website

It is not necessary to create a website for a club, especially if a Facebook page and group exists. If your club desires to create a website, consider using one of the following online website creators:

  • Weebly
  • Wix
  • Wordpress
  • Yola

XIII. Online Sport Management Systems

There are many websites that exist to help club administrators maintain their club online and communicate with its members. Here are a few that seem to be useful:

  • iSport
  • Pitch Hero

XIV. Insurance Coverage (provided by the university)

All club sports teams are now provided with commercial general liability insurance through the Ã山ǿ¼é. Club sports teams are also covered under the university's policy for catastrophic accident medical insurance to cover medical expenses and disability from injuries sustained during the play, practice, and travel for a sport. Club sports teams that are deemed to be low risk may not be covered under this insurance. Please contact the Program Coordinator to confirm that your club is listed.

XV. Non-Hazing Policy

The Ã山ǿ¼é is an institution of higher education and, as such, maintains high standards and recognizes the importance of academic achievement. The University strives to maintain an environment that is conducive to learning and which promotes academic success. To help ensure such an environment, hazing is prohibited by Section 2.5 of the Ã山ǿ¼é Student Rights and Responsibilities and by Indiana Code 35-42-2-2.  The University unconditionally opposes any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Freedom from the humility and danger of hazing is guaranteed to every student. Any violation of this guarantee should be reported immediately to the Office of Student Development Programs.

XVI. Academic Policy 

Each club member must sign a Grade Release Form authorizing the Ã山ǿ¼é and its designated officials to release semester and cumulative grade reports, mid-term grade reports, and hours enrolled  to the Office of Student Development Programs, Department of Recreation, Fitness and Wellness, organization  president, organization advisor, organization scholarship chair, and organization coach (if applicable). Any disclosure of academic information shall be for use in determining eligibility to participate, scholarship programming, awards recognition, and verification of minimum academic standards. You must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3 to be a part of the Club Sports program.

Grade Release Form

Members can receive tutoring from Academic Skills.

Cumulative GPA

When a club member falls below a cumulative GPA of 2.3, one of the following will occur:

  • Probation
    • Club member with a GPA of 2.0-2.2
    • Can practice and compete with the club
  • Game Suspension
    • Club member with a GPA of 1.5-1.9
    • Can practice with the club, but cannot compete or travel.
  • Club Suspension
    • Club member with GPA of below 1.5
    • Cannot practice, compete or travel with the club until grades improve.

Semester GPA

When a club member has two consecutive semesters with a GPA below 2.0, the following will occur:

  • Probation
    • Can practice and compete with the club

If the member has a third consecutive semester GPA below 2.0, the member will be suspended from all club activities.

  • Club Suspension
    • Cannot practice, compete or travel with the club.

Freshman/New Ã山ǿ¼é students
In the first semester, when a freshman or a new Ã山ǿ¼é student falls below the semester GPA of 2.0 the following will occur:

  • Probation
    • Can practice and compete with the club

After second semester, freshmen and new Ã山ǿ¼é students will be considered under the general cumulative and semester GPA guidelines.

Club GPA

If the entire club’s semester or cumulative GPA falls below a 2.3, then the club may lose the following privileges.  This will be decided on a case by case basis.

  • Practice times
  • Travel
  • Financial help
  • Club Status

XVII. Disciplinary Process

All Club Sports have an obligation to operate within the rules and regulations set forth by the Ã山ǿ¼é, the RFW, and the Center for Campus Life. Any violation of the rules, regulations, and recommendations listed and those set forth by the RFW and Ã山ǿ¼é may result in disciplinary action. The RFW and the Dean of Students serve as the judicial officers for the Ã山ǿ¼é and any suspected violations will be referred to the RFW staff or the Dean of Students for review.

Each year clubs need to take steps to maintain your club for the upcoming school year. Use the following checklist to make sure you stay current.

  • Attend first club sports meeting (usually in August)
  • Attend Center for Campus Life registration meeting (August)
  • All members must fill out waiver/member info sheet
  • Medical Insurance Card copied
  • Identification (State ID) copied
  • Grades/Non-hazing release form updated (printed every semester)
  • Updated Constitution and ByLaws in EagleSync

Agency Account

Registered student organizations at Ã山ǿ¼é may open campus financial accounts called agency accounts. When the organization utilizes services offered by various departments at Ã山ǿ¼é, such as printing, copying, motor pool rental, and physical plant set-up, the cost may be charged back to the organization's agency account.

Opening an Agency Account

To open a new agency account, please visit: http://www.usi.edu/businessoffice/accounting/agency-funds

Fundraising Guidelines

  • All Sponsors must be approved by the Program Coordinator or Director.
  • All fundraisers must be approved

RFW-Provided Funding

The Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Department offers funding to Club Sports as a whole. Established clubs will receive more support than a new club. These funds can be used for equipment purchases and for tournament registration fees.

Other Funding

Each club may ask the Student Government Association for funds. More information may be found by following this link: SGA Grants

Facility Use

Registered clubs have the ability to reserve athletic and recreational facilities for club practices, competitions, and events. The facilities that are available for use include:

  • Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness Center (RFWC) - The Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness Center features three wooden courts for basketball, volleyball, and badminton, an elevated four-lane jogging track, two activity rooms for group exercise classes, and locker rooms with showers.    
    Availability:  LOW
    Clubs may submit a request to reserve space before 8am and after 11pm Monday-Friday, and on weekends before 3pm.
  • Broadway Recreational Complex - The University's complex on Broadway Avenue includes six flag football fields, four soccer fields, and four softball fields (all lighted).  The facilities are located east of campus about three quarters of a mile along a path. The trip by car is about a mile and a half. 
    Availability:  MEDIUM
    Clubs may submit a request to reserve space on a first-come-first-served basis. Limited availability on a seasonal basis.
  • Clarke Lane Field - A full-sized field for football, soccer, and rugby is located on Clarke Lane between University Boulevard and campus apartments.
    Availability:  HIGH
    Clubs may submit a request to reserve space on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Screaming Eagles Complex – The building includes the aquatics area, specialized physical education and service facilities, classrooms, locker rooms, team rooms, and mutlipurpose activity areas.  
    Availability:  VERY LOW

To reserve any of the above activity spaces, clubs must submit a Ã山ǿ¼é Space Request Form to the Scheduling Services Office. Forms can be found at the Scheduling Services Office in the University Center, or you can reserve space online:

Facility Policies

It is the responsibility of the officer of a club (president, vice president, captain, etc) to communicate this information to club members, spectators, visiting teams, and other users of recreational/athletic facilities. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in disciplinary action.

A. Alcoholic Beverages: It is prohibited to consume, provide, or sell alcoholic beverages on Ã山ǿ¼é grounds in association with any club event or competition. Club members are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages before or during any club practice or competition on or off campus. Any club function off campus that involves alcohol requires clubs to abide by all state and University policies and laws. No alcoholic beverages or glass containers are permitted on or around recreational or athletic fields.

B. Tobacco: It is the policy of the Ã山ǿ¼é to promote and maintain a clean and healthy working and learning environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The University expects the cooperation and commitment of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors in maintaining a smoke-free environment and an environment free from smokeless tobacco waste. Smokeless tobacco consists of the use of snuff, chewing tobacco, smokeless pouches, or other forms of loose-leaf tobacco.

Ã山ǿ¼é prohibits smoking or the use of tobacco or tobacco products:

  • on university-owned, -operated, or -leased property.
  • in university-owned, -operated, or- leased vehicles.

The use of tobacco or tobacco products in personal vehicles on university-owned, -operated, or -leased property is allowable. This policy extends to all university property and all campus sports facilities.

C. Inclement Weather: The RFW will have the final decision on field conditions and weather-related decisions. The RFW staff will make decisions as to the condition of the fields when possible, but also will depend on each club when determining whether the scheduled practice/competition will destroy the field space. Clubs should utilize their best judgment when fields are wet and possibly unsafe. In the case of sudden inclement weather, it is the responsibility of the club to clear and stay off the fields. Clubs are responsible for any damage to any field/activity space. This should be kept in mind when deciding whether to use a wet field for practice or competition.

D. Clubs should inspect the fields prior to every use. It is the responsibility of the club to report field hazards to the Program Coordinator. If the field is unsafe, practices/competitions must be cancelled or moved to an alternate location until the problem is corrected. In case of emergency, contact Ã山ǿ¼é's Office of Public Safety to determine if grounds personnel are available to help. Dial 911 if there is a life or death emergency or call 812-492-7777 for campus security.

E. For the safety of all participants, pets on a leash are permitted on recreational fields. Owners must clean up after their pet.

F. Vehicles must be parked in the designated parking areas. No vehicles are permitted on recreational/athletic fields.

G. Clubs are responsible for policing the facility and placing all trash in the containers provided.

H. Club Sports are not permitted to provide a game site for two non-Ã山ǿ¼é teams. Tournaments may be an exception to this policy when the tournament has been approved by the Program Coordinator and Director, and when facilities have been scheduled through Scheduling Services.

Presidents and members will find information about how to fill out a club travel request, and arrange for transportation, and lodging. University expectations are also outlined. Family members are not permitted on Club Sport sponsored trips.

How to fill out Club Travel Request:

1. Filling out a travel request is very important. This is our way of knowing some basic information regarding the trip your club wants to do. Here are a few of the items we need to know.

  • Who is going? We need to know names and ID numbers of all individuals going on the trip.
  • Where are you going? Why are you going? What is the purpose of the trip?
  • What money are you requesting? From what budget?
  • Who is accompanying your club? To travel, a University Representative must attend as well.
  • How many 7-passenger vans are you requesting? Who is driving? Do we have a driver’s license on file? See transportation and rental policies for more information.
  • Are you staying at a hotel? If so, which hotel? You must abide by the hotel's policy when staying in hotels.
  • Do you need the registration fee to be paid? If so, when is it due?

2. There is an online form to answer the questions above. 

3. Travel requests are due 4 weeks prior to any due date of the event or 4 weeks prior to the date of the event.

4.  In addition to the University requirements, all Club Sports must have an approved University Representative with the team for club functions off campus including competitions and practices.  The University Representative can be the club’s coach, an advisor (faculty/staff) or a non-employee approved by the Program Coordinator and is registered with Ã山ǿ¼é Volunteer Services.

5. When leaving on a trip, the club must leave as a team. No member may drive separately. If a club breaks this policy, the club will potentially lose travel privileges.


It is the university's expectation for all Club Sports to use a Ã山ǿ¼é rental vehicle instead of a personal vehicle.  Exceptions are rare, but can be requested in writing from the Program Coordinator.

The mode of transportation is to be specified on the Travel Authorization prior to approval.


Accidents or breakdowns leaving the traveler stranded are to be reported by telephone to the Physical Plant Office (812-464-1782). Accidents involving University vehicles are to be reported to the Office of Public Safety (812-464-1865), using the Driver's Report of Accident, and the Automobile Accident or Loss.

Notice forms available at the Facilities Office. 

For all off-campus accidents, call the applicable Law Enforcement Agency. If the particular agency does not respond, obtain the following information from the other driver(s):

  1. Name
  2. Address (number, city, and state)
  3. Driver's license number and issuing state
  4. Name of insurance company
  5. Description of other vehicle(s) and extent of damage
  6. Name and addresses of any witnesses that are not passengers (in any vehicle)

Lodging Policy

The University acknowledges that faculty and/or staff may be asked or may be required to travel on behalf of the University. When such travel occurs, the University offers a single occupancy room for the trip upon request. If a request for a single occupancy room is made, then it must be granted regardless of budgetary or other considerations, and without reprisals or retaliation for making such a request. However, if faculty and/or staff traveling on University business choose to share lodging accommodations, then they will be allowed to do so except in the following two situations:

  1. Faculty and/or staff are prohibited from sharing a room with a student. This includes advisors and coaches.
  2. Managers are prohibited from sharing a room with their subordinates.

Club Sports Addendum

  1. Club Members that are in a relationship are prohibited from sharing a room.
  2. Men and women club members are prohibited from sharing a room.

No-Cost Lodging Provided to Traveler

If lodging is provided to a traveler at no cost, the traveler needs to provide the name, address and telephone number of the person providing the lodging, prior to departure to the Program Coordinator.

The traveler may not claim reimbursement for lodging when the lodging was provided by a person who is not in the business of providing lodging.

Advisor/Coach Responsibility During Travel

The Club Advisor or Club Coach has an important role on trips. This individual is the Ã山ǿ¼é Staff representative and must conduct him/herself in an appropriate manner. The Coach of Conduct form that was signed to become an Advisor or Coach will also be used as an agreement for the Advisor/Coach to abide by all university policies on road trips. View the rest of the University Policies

Student Reimbursements

For a student to be reimbursed for travel expenses, please have copies of all receipts showing a zero balance, and then print out the student reimbursement worksheet.  Fill out the form, and bring everything to the program coordinator at the RFW. Reimbursable expenses include transportation (gas and rental) and lodging (hotel room costs).

The University has designed official Ã山ǿ¼é Club Sports logos approved for use.

Club Sports Logo Usage Guide

Ã山ǿ¼é Emblem

Ã山ǿ¼é Club Sports Examples

Southern Indiana Emblem

Southern Indiana Club Sports examples

Branded Club Sport Sample

Club Sport Examples

Club Forms

Reserving a Facility or Space

Travel and Lodging

Finances and Fundraising