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Jaz Rochon

Jaz Rochon, a cockapoo, was born in Kentucky and came to live with 缅北强奸's President Ronald Rochon, his wife, Lynn, and their children, Ayinde and Nia, 13 years ago. He is known for his loyalty to friends, being a bit of a jokester and singleminded when it comes to food鈥攈e lives for and dreams of meat. We recently interviewed Jaz to find out what life is like as a member of the Rochon Family.

Describe your perfect day.
My perfect day鈥攚hich is an everyday occurrence鈥攊ncludes relaxing during the day on Mom's favorite rug, getting my belly rubbed whenever I turn over and being handed Kibble wrapped in pieces of rotisserie chicken. I like to top my perfect days off with a delicious dinner followed by a long walk with Baba (that's what I call Dad). I like to walk with him at the end of the day, because if I get tired, he will scoop me up and carry me home. Don't tell him, but boy, do I have him trained!

If you could have a conversation with anyone (any species, alive or dead), who would it be?
I would enjoy a stimulating conversation with Mr. Ed the talking horse who had his own television show in the 1960s. He had wise and insightful ideas on how to help humans. He was always giving advice to his person, Wilbur Post, and I think he could provide some insights on how I could better communicate with my family, especially Baba, so I could help him in his role as President.

If you could choose an occupation, what would your profession be?
I would be a therapist, specifically a therapy dog. I would love to visit children in hospitals and older people in care facilities. It would be mutually beneficial for all of us, as dogs are well known for uplifting the spirits of others and humans love to rub dog bellies. I would let them rub it as long as they wanted because it would be crucial to their well-being, and I am, by nature, self-sacrificing in this way.

Do you prefer the company of people or other dogs?
I love both for different reasons. From my family and other humans, I get belly rubs and treats, but with my doggy friends I can really be myself. When I go to doggy daycare, I romp around with all kinds of dogs. I don't discriminate against pure breeds or mutts. All dogs are equal to me. I wish humans thought more like dogs when it comes to loving fellow humans.

What is your favorite thing to do when you have the house to yourself?
Whenever they all go away, I always hope they forget to close the bathroom door. I love to get in there and pull the toilet paper off the roll and carry it all over the house. What fun! The family does not care for me doing this, but it sure brings me joy.

Which family member do you listen to the most? Why?
Baba thinks I listen to him the most because he has the most serious and stern voice, but I really listen to him because he gives me the most Kibble wrapped in pieces of rotisserie chicken.

Who do you prefer to go on walks with and why are they a better walking partner?
I particularly enjoy walking with Mom. She is not in a hurry and lets me meander and sniff any and everything for as long as I want when we walk together. She never tries to make me walk past a mailbox without giving it a good, long smell. After all, you never know who's been lurking around until you give it all a good sniff. As the family member in charge of dog patrol, it is my duty to know who's been in the neighborhood.

What do you do that your family wishes you wouldn't, but you continue to do so anyway?
I enjoy joining Baba for his business Zoom meetings. I'm a very friendly guy and love to say hello to everyone. Sometimes, however, they are discussing subjects I know a lot about and I try to give my input. Unfortunately, humans don't understand dog language, and have no idea what I'm trying to tell them. This is where a conversation with Mr. Ed would be beneficial.

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