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Students experiencing personal or academic difficulties may request a modification of their scheduled course of study. The student is to contact their academic advisor to discuss this option. Progression into the next nursing courses will be permitted on a space available basis and faculty approval.

Readmission policies apply as outlined under Progression Policies.

If a student misses two semesters (fall or spring) of course work, a formal reapplication to Graduate Studies is required to be submitted.

For BSN-DNP and Post MSN-DNP only:

Any interruption in the progression of the planned full or part time project plan may require enrollment in additional courses to ensure the project is current and meets minimum project standards. The resubmitted work must meet the expectations of doctoral level work and is at the discretion of the faculty mentor. The expectation throughout each semester of the DNP program is that DNP project progress will be made in accordance to established syllabi for each DNP project course. Additional issues regarding DNP project progression will be brought before the Graduate Nursing Admission and Progression Committee to determine the student’s progression in the DNP program.

In addition to university policies, the following activities are grounds for dismissal from the Graduate Nursing Program:

  • Falsification of records and reports including clinical documents, cheating on an examination, quiz, or any other assignment is basis for program dismissal.
  • Academic integrity is an expected behavior of all students. Academic dishonesty may include, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, copying or printing of online exams and knowingly assisting others in an act of academic dishonesty. Students who engage in academic dishonesty in any form, even as a first offense, place themselves in jeopardy of receiving a failing grade for the assignment or course, as well as dismissal from the nursing program and University. Policies and procedures governing academic dishonesty can be found in the Student Rights and Responsibilities section of the University Bulletin. Cheating on an examination, quiz, or any other assignment will be a basis for dismissal from the program.
  • Plagiarism, as defined in the University Bulletin, is the intentional reproduction of another person’s ideas, words, or statements without acknowledgment. Students must give credit when using the works of others and are expected to properly reference the use of: 1) direct quotes; 2) another person’s ideas or opinions; or 3) any borrowed statistics, facts, or other materials. Failure to properly give credit to others’ work is a form of academic dishonesty. Refer to the Dean of Students webpage.
  • Sharing assignments, exams information, and graded work is considered academic dishonesty. This includes social media sites such as Facebook. If postings to social media sites are identified, an academic integrity violation will be charged.
  • Violation of client and/or agency confidential information (HIPAA violation) may result in dismissal from the program.
  • Students considered by faculty to be unsafe practitioners or whose progress in meeting program objectives is judged unsatisfactory will be dismissed from the program.
  • Graduate nursing students must maintain an unencumbered nursing license throughout the program.

The Faculty reserves the right to dismiss any student whose personal integrity, health or behavior demonstrate unfitness to continue preparation for advanced practice nursing and or violate the Code of Ethics.

Absence from the Program

If a student is absent for two or more semesters (Fall and Spring), they must reapply to the program through the School of Graduate Studies. Advanced Pathophysiology, Clinical Pharmacology, and Advanced Health Assessment must be completed within the past 5 years. In instances where students returning to the program with one of the aforementioned courses older than five years, the student will be required to retake the course. No graduate course more than seven (7) years old may satisfy requirements for a graduate degree without evaluation and validation from the Chair of the graduate program.

Withdrawal Policy

The option of withdrawing from a course and receiving a grade of "W" is possible within the withdrawal period listed on the Ã山ǿ¼é academic calendar each semester. Students electing to take a "W" in a nursing course are to understand that re-enrollment in that course is subject to the review of the faculty and space availability. The student is to be encouraged to explore all other alternatives before taking such action. See the Office of the Registrar's guidelines for the procedure that must be followed regarding withdrawal.

Students who do not follow the required University procedure to officially withdraw from a course will receive an "F" grade.  Grades are record on university graduate transcripts according to the rules and regulations of the Office of the Registrar.

Withdrawal and readmission policy does vary across Graduate Nursing programs. Click on the tabs below to review program specific criteria for withdrawal and readmission to the program.

All students in the graduate program must petition the Admission and Progression Committee to return to the program. Please use Appendix A, the Petition for Readmission Form.

The student may not progress in the program with more than one withdrawal.

All students in the graduate program must petition the Admission and Progression Committee to return to the program. Please use Appendix A, the Petition for Readmission Form.

The student may not progress in the program with more than one withdrawal.

All students in the graduate program must petition the Admission and Progression Committee to return to the program. Please use Appendix A, the Petition for Readmission Form.

The student may not progress in the program with more than two withdrawals.

All students in the graduate program must petition the Admission and Progression Committee to return to the program. Please use Appendix A, the Petition for Readmission Form.

The student may not progress in the program with more than one withdrawal.