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Course Core Category
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Diversity
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
BA/BS: World Languages.,BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Foundation Skills: Communication
Foundation Skills: Communication
Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Foundation Skills: Composition
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
Foundation Skills: Composition
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Global
GLST 372: Western World Literature Embedded: Global
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Global
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Global
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
BS: Social Science, Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Global
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Global
BS: Social Science, Embedded: Global
Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BS: Natural Science., Embedded: Global
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BS: Natural Science., Embedded: Global
Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Natural Science.
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Global
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BS: Natural Science.
Embedded: Global
BS: Natural Science.
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Foundation Skills: Physical Activity and Wellness
Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
Foundation Skills: Physical Activity and Wellness
Embedded: Global
Foundation Skills: Mathematics
Foundation Skills: Mathematics
Foundation Skills: Mathematics
Foundation Skills: Mathematics
Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Foundation Skills: Mathematics
Foundation Skills: Mathematics
Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Natural Science, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
Embedded: Global
Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
BS: Social Science
BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
BS: Social Science
Embedded: Global
BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
Embedded: Writing Intensive
Foundation Skills: First Year Experience

Updated: May 20, 2024