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Jenna Thacker

Dr. Jenna L. Thacker

Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Program

Academic Fieldwork Coordinator of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Program



Dr. Jenna Thacker is an Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy. Her clinical expertise is in outpatient orthopedics with large focus on hand therapy, spending most of her clinical experience in a physician owned orthopedic private practice setting. She has a passion for teaching and enjoys playing a role in students’ growth and excitement for the occupational therapy profession as they transition to clinicians.


My research is focused on hand therapy progression and education, and interdisciplinary education and practice.

Selected Publications and Presentations

Thacker, J. (2022). 3D printing in hand therapy: Is it worth it? ASHTimes, 29(2), 33-35.

Thacker, J. (2022, April 23). 3D Printing in hand therapy: Is it worth it?. Platform presentation delivered at the Indiana Occupational Therapy Association’s Spring Conference.

Thacker, J. (2021 November 20). Preventing an epidemic: Elbow and shoulder injury prevention in the adolescent throwing athlete. Platform presentation delivered at the Indiana Occupational Therapy Association’s Fall Conference.

Thacker, J. (2019 October; 2018 October; 2017 October; 2016, October). Taping the shoulder and elbow. Delivered at Evidence In Motion’s Management of the Shoulder and Elbow weekend intensive and continuing education course. Evansville, IN.

Thacker, J. (2016, May; 2016, September). Certificate for advance practice in hand therapy. Delivered at Evidence In Motion’s New Programs Webinar.

Professional Organizations

American Occupational Therapy Association

American Society of Hand Therapy

Indiana Occupational Therapy Association
