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Michigan State University Environmental Biology/Zoology 2014 PhD The Ohio State University Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology Positions: Associate Professor 山ǿ 2021-present Assistant Professor 山ǿ 2015-2021 Adjunct Professor Ohio State University Spring 2014 Adjunct Professor OSU (Marion Campus) Fall 2014 Graduate Teaching Associate Ohio State University 20082014 Graduate University Fellow Ohio State University 20072008 Research Interests: Ecological and evolutionary physiology Fellowships and Awards: Pott College Interdisciplinary Research Grant 山ǿ Pott College 2023 Pott College Excellence Award in Scholarship 山ǿ Pott College 2022 Early Career Faculty Grant 山ǿ 2019 SEERGA Grant 山ǿ Pott College 2015 Ray Travel Award Council of Graduate Students 2013 The Ohio State University SICB Grant in Aid of Research Society of Integrative and 2012 Comparative Biology Graduate Teaching Award Department of Evolution, 2010 Ecology, and Organismal Biology Northern Research Fund Churchill Northern Studies Center 2008 University Fellowship Ohio State University 2007 Distinguished Freshman Scholarship Michigan State University 2003-2007 Professional Organizations: President-Elect: Indiana Physiological Society 2024 - present Treasurer: Indiana Physiological Society 2020 - present Councilor: Indiana Physiological Society 2017 - present Member: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2007 2019 Member: Sigma Xi 2009 2012 Administrative Committees: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee 山ǿ Pott College 2020-present Responsible Conduct of Research 山ǿ 2019-present IACUC 山ǿ 2018-present College Excellence Awards 山ǿ Pott College 2019-2021 Innovation Committee 山ǿ Pott College 2016-2018 Assessment Committee 山ǿ Biology Dpt. 2019 Co-Chair: Seminar Committee Graduate Evolution and Ecology Students 2008-2009 Chair: Fundraising Graduate Evolution and Ecology Students 2009-2011, 2013-2014 Courses Taught: Animal Physiology Instructor of Record Fall 2015-present Principles of Biology Instructor of Record Fall 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2023 Spring 2020, 2022 Ornithology Instructor of Record Spring 2017, 2019, 2021, 2024 Organic Evolution Instructor of Record Spring 2018, Fall 2019, 2022 Human Anatomy and Physiology Instructor of Record Fall 2022, 2024 Spring 2023, 2024 Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab Instructor Spring 2016, 2020 Fall 2016, 2019 Physiological Ecology Instructor of Record Spring 2015 Comparative Physiology Instructor of Record Spring 2015 Human Anatomy Instructor of Record Fall 2014 Evolution Instructor of Record Summer 2014 Behavioral Ecology Teaching Associate Fall 2012, 2013 Introductory Biology Teaching Associate Summer 2011, Winter 2012 Conservation Biology Teaching Associate Fall 2011, Spring 2013, 2014 Animal Form and Function Teaching Associate Fall 2008, 10 Ecological Physiology of Animals Teaching Associate Winter 2011 Honors Animal Form and Function Teaching Associate Fall 2009 Honors Evolution Teaching Associate Winter 2009 Ornithology Teaching Associate Spring 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Scientific Communication Teaching Associate Winter 2010 Publications (* Indicates undergraduate coauthors): Tam, E.A.*, Robb, F.E., and A.M. Champagne. 2024. Lipids in the American Alligator stratum corneum provide insights into the evolution of vertebrate skin. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 292. Cockley, A.*, Champagne, A.M., Ben-Hamo, M., Pinshow, B., Korine, C., and A. Muoz-Garcia. 2021. Lipid composition of the stratum corneum in different regions of the body of Kuhl's pipistrelle from the Negev Desert, Israel. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 262. (December 2021) Jimenez, A.G., Winward, J.D.*, Walsh, K.E., andA.M. Champagne. 2020. Effects of membrane fatty acid composition on cellular metabolism and oxidative stress in primary dermal fibroblasts from small and large breed dogs. Journal of Experimental Biology.223, 12. (June 2020) Champagne, A.M., V.A. Pigg*, H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2018. Presence and persistence of a highly ordered lipid phase state in the avian stratum corneum. Journal of Experimental Biology. Vol 221, No. 11 (June 2019) Adams, E.M., A.M. Champagne, J. B. Williams, and H. C. Allen. 2017. Interfacial Properties of Avian Stratum Corneum Monolayers Investigated by Brewster Angle Microscopy and Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. Vol. 208 (November 2017), pp. 1-9. Champagne, A.M., H.C. Allen, R.C. Bautista-Jimenez*, and J.B. Williams. 2016. Organization of lipids in avian stratum corneum: changes with temperature and hydration. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. Vol. 195 (February 2016), pp. 47-57. Champagne, A.M., H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2015. Lipid composition and molecular interactions change with depth in the avian stratum corneum toregulate cutaneous water loss. Journal of Experimental Biology. Vol. 218, No. 19 (October 2015), pp. 3032-3041. Khan, H.A., I.A. Arif, J.B. Williams, A.M. Champagne, and M. Shobrak. 2014. Thin-layer chromatographic separation and detection of skin lipids from Saudi Arabian birds. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. Vol. 21, No. 2 (April 2014), pp. 173-177. Champagne, A.M., A. Muoz-Garcia, T. Shtayyeh*, B.I. Tieleman, A. Hegemann, M.E. Clement, and J.B. Williams. 2012. Lipid composition of the stratum corneum and cutaneous water loss in birds along an aridity gradient. Journal of Experimental Biology. Vol. 215, No. 24 (December 2012), pp. 4299-4307. Williams, J.B., A. Muoz-Garcia, and A. Champagne. 2012. Climate Change and Cutaneous Water Loss of Birds. Journal of Experimental Biology. Vol. 215, No. 7 (April 2012), pp. 1053-1060. Champagne, A.M. 2011. An Enduring Union. Review of Ecological and Environmental Physiology of Birds by J. Eduardo; P.W. Bicudo; William A. Buttemer; Mark A. Chappell; James T. Pearson; Claus Bech. BioScience , Vol. 61, No. 9 (September 2011), pp. 729-731 Presentations (* Indicates undergraduate coauthors): Alashi, A.A.* Hopper, L.M.*, and Champagne, A.M. 2024. Hold on to your water: Lipid composition changes in the stratum corneum of developing Japanese quail. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Stoll, M.T.*, Tam, E.A.*, Robb, F.E., Allen, H.C., and Champagne, A.M. It all hinges on water: The structuring of water by lipids in the American Alligator stratum corneum. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Winner of 2nd Place in the Undergraduate Poster category. Alashi, A.A.*, Hopper, L.M.* and Champagne, A.M. 2023. Growing into your own skin: Developmental changes in lipid composition in the stratum corneum of Japanese Quail. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Winner of 1st Place in the Undergraduate Poster category. Edwin, A.*, Cieslack, J.A.*, Tam, E.A.*, Robb, F.E., Allen, H.C., and Champagne, A.M. 2023. Peaking between the scales: Lipid organization in the stratum corneum of the American Alligator. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Tam, E.A.*, Robb, F.E., and A.M. Champagne. 2022. Getting Under the Skin: An Evolutionary Perspective on Lipids in American Alligator Skin. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Winner of Bonnie Blazer-Yost Award for best overall student presentation. Becker, H.N.*, Duncheon, E.J.*, Bailey, K.N.*, OKeefe, J.M., and A.M. Champagne. 2020. Is the secret of flight skin deep? Bat stratum corneum contains more cerebrosides in areas stressed during flight. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Ehle, J.A.* and A.M. Champagne. 2020. Lipid diversity in mammalian stratum corneum: Rethinking the paradigm. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Jimenez, A.G., J.D. Winward*, K.E. Walsh, and A.M. Champagne. 2019. Effects of changes in lipid membrane composition in primary dermal fibroblasts from small and large breed dogs on aerobic cellular metabolism and oxidative stress. Oral presentation at the Canine Science Conference in Phoenix, AZ Duncheon, E.J.*, M.B. McCrary*, J.M. OKeefe, and A.M. Champagne. 2019. Lipid composition in bat skin reflects the demands of flight. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. McCrary, M.B.*, Duncheon, E.J.*, H.C. Allen, J.M. OKeefe, and A.M. Champagne. 2019. Molecular interactions in bat skin suggest convergent evolution with birds. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Duncheon, E.J.*, L.M. Hopper*, H.C. Allen, and A.M. Champagne. 2018. Disordered skin lipids increase cutaneous water loss in pigeons at high temperatures. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Duncheon, E.J.*, L.M. Hopper*, H.C. Allen, and A.M. Champagne. 2018. Disordered skin lipids increase cutaneous water loss in pigeons at high temperatures. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Hopper, L.M.*, E.J. Duncheon*, H.C. Allen, and A.M. Champagne. 2018. Patterns of cutaneous water loss and stratum corneum lipid interactions during the development of Japanese quail. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Unfried, L.N.*, A.M. Champagne, and J.H. Bandoli. 2018. Advances in the timing of reproduction in two species of cavity nesting birds in response to climate change. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Kaphle, R.*, A.S. Liang*, and A.M. Champagne. 2017. Evaporative water loss in Rock Pigeons as a function of temperature. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Indiana Physiological Society. Loppnow, T.N.*, R.A. Silliman*, A.M. Champagne, and C.R. Deloney-Marino. 2017. Effect of seasonal changes on antimicrobial defenses in the avian stratum corneum II: Antimicrobial activity in lipids. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Pigg, V.A.*, A.M. Champagne, H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2017. Effects of ambient temperature on the organization of lipids in the avian stratum corneum. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Silliman, R.A.*, T.N. Loppnow*, C.R. Deloney-Marino, and A.M. Champagne. 2017. Effect of seasonal changes on antimicrobial defenses in the avian stratum corneum I: Changes in lipid composition with season. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Bautista-Jimenez, R.C*., A.M. Champagne, and J.B. Williams. 2014. Cutaneous water loss and intercellular lipids of the stratum corneum in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in response to changes in temperature. Poster presentation at the Ohio Avian Research and Conservation Conference. Champagne, A.M., H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2014. Cutaneous water loss and lipid organization in avian stratum corneum change with temperature. Poster presentation at the Ohio Avian Research and Conservation Conference. Bautista-Jimenez, R.C.*, A.M. Champagne, and J.B. Williams. 2014. Cutaneous water loss and intercellular lipids of the stratum corneum in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in response to changes in temperature. Poster presentation at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University. Malinich, S.A.*, A.R. Bronchik*, A.M. Champagne, A. Nelson, and P.S. Curtis. 2014. Significance of season and local landscape in assessing potential wind turbine development impacts on bird diversity. Poster presentation at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University. Honorable Mention Award recipient. Champagne, A.M., H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2014. Seasonal differences in water loss and lipid composition in the skin of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Orally presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Champagne, A.M., H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2013. Seasonal differences in water loss and lipid composition in the skin of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Orally presented at the Ohio Avian Research and Conservation Conference Champagne, A.M., H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2013. Tests on the organization of lipids in the avian stratum corneum. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Vol. 53 (Supplement 1). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Champagne, A.M., H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2012. Tests on the organization of lipids in the avian stratum corneum. Orally presented at the Darwin Presentations, Ohio State University. Champagne, A.M., H.C. Allen, and J.B. Williams. 2012. Effects of lipid-lipid and lipid-water interactions on cutaneous water loss in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) across temperature and humidity regimes. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Vol. 52 (Supplement 1) Orally Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Champagne, A.M. 2011. Depth profiling the avian stratum corneum for information on hydration and lipid organization. Allen Lab Biannual Meeting. Champagne, A.M. 2010. Effects of humidity on hydration, lipid organization, and cutaneous water loss in avian stratum corneum. Allen Lab Biannual Meeting. Champagne, A.M., A. Muoz-Garcia, and J.B. Williams. 2009. Cutaneous water loss and lipids in the stratum corneum of mesic horned larks (Eremophila alpestris praticola) and five species of desert larks. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Vol. 49 (Supplement 1). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology and at the Darwin Presentations at Ohio State University.      !7LUVWZ[_`hz{|   ' ( j   + O U V Z [ d o  ? ` ̦hzhmhm5hyhy5hyhx)h hfhfhfhwK hfh^OthVhyh:5hI8J h:5h^OtmHsHh:h:mHsHhZh^Oth:hS9 !7L`{|   ( j  [ gd^Ot^gdH ]gdI8Jgd:$a$gd:$a$gdS  ? ` / Q > u Zf gdugd:gdz` / P Q   > A Y u y ZXYfսմţhm hy5hGqhy5 hx)5hY6hRhuGhGhhyhy5hyhh3hhu hNhNhNh^Oth+hV@   %)*@ANQRSWXY^u !"^sv;>񸴸弸hzhGh4>h( hy5hGqhy5hEhuhNhhyhmh^OthVh+h hmhmG*Y"^>N1k ^`gd( ^`gd( ^`gd+ ^`gdGP^PgdGgd+gdNgd:>19<GH| Lq~  ÿÿΰάδδδάhhGqhyhEhu hJhJhJ huhJhY6hN hH ]hH ]hH ] hrhrhrh(hhzhmhVh+?<HL    C.@3 %gd^OtgdmgdN ^`gdN ^`gdJgd:    BC_m+-.JK^l3?@OZ[)7923Ľҽҽzpiz hm\]h0-*hm\]h`Bhm6\]h`Bhm\h`Bhm5\ hm\ h4>\h4>h4>\h4>h4>5\h=Rh=R5\ h=Rh=RhGh=RhG5\h=R h=RhGhh5\h hGq5 hwK5 hz5 hJ5)3B /%KYo.0LMJKSps|~     !!!!:!;!%.&|&&&& ''!'c''''''((((((((c)))))) ****&*'***+*/*0*<*=*G*H*M*****+M+c+++++,,,,,c--ʻʻʻʻʻʻʻʻʷhphp5hp hq\hq\hphq\5hq\ h4>h4>h4>h4>5h4>huGh+h+5\h+ hq\h(h(h(5\hzh( h(h(=&''(())**++,,--..//q0r011223gdWgdpgd4>gd:gd+gd(----....c/////q0r000000000000091c111111222222c33333333ٷ})hLhL5B*fHphq hwKB*fHphq &hLhLB*fHphq hB*fHphq hE hW5hWhW5hWhm hph B_h B_h B_5h B_hphp5hp/33445566:8;8:9;9%:&:9;:;;;f=2$ ?`0`p 0@P1$^`a$gdJgd:gd0gdEgdL33[4l444444455c5u5555555556P6]6n666677777"7F7S7c7777777ֿ֮֮֕֍}vnv}vvvvhEhE6 hEhEhEhE5hwKhEhLhL5)hLhL5B*fHphq hL hLB*fHphq ,hLhL6B*]fHphq &hLhLB*fHphq *hLhL0JB*fHphq +7:8;8J8:9;9J9c99$:%:&:5:A:G:L:8;9;:;I;K;P;[;`;c;;;;;;< <<<<.<<<<<6=c=d=e=f=˾xh*h*6B*phhJB*phhIWhJ5B*phhJhJh35h*B*phhIWB*phh3B*phhIWh35B*ph h35 h*h*hIWh*5 h*hIWhIWh* h*5 h05h0hE,f=g=v=z={=}=====>>>>>>>>>?=????????789:;<@=@>@?@@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@϶}uqquqqqquqquqqhV8djhV8dU h:hJ hGqhJh*h^hJ6hIWhIWhJ5hJhp5B*mHnHphuhJhJB*phhJB*mHnHphu h4;hJB*mHnHphu#hIWhJ5B*mHnHphuhpB*mHnHphu,f=g===>>89;<@>@?@@@A@C@D@F@gduGgd:gdJ2$ ?`0`p 0@P1$^`a$gdJ2$ ?`0`p 0@P1$^`a$gdJF@G@H@I@J@K@gd:G@H@I@J@K@ h:hJh:hV8d,1h/ =!"#$% x0h02 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List *W`* D/`Strong5\.X . 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AptosA$BCambria Math"qhT'ŧń+Gd/fd/f!20883@P ?:2!xx' Curriculum VitaeAlex ChampagneChampagne, Alex M Oh+'0  < H T `lt|Curriculum VitaeAlex ChampagneNormalChampagne, Alex M8Microsoft Office Word@j( @@3`@@Ed/ ՜.+,D՜.+,X hp   College of Biological Sciencesf8 Curriculum Vitae Title P,L`x8MSIP_Label_93932cc9-dea4-49e2-bfe2-7f42b17a9d2b_Enabled8MSIP_Label_93932cc9-dea4-49e2-bfe2-7f42b17a9d2b_SetDate7MSIP_Label_93932cc9-dea4-49e2-bfe2-7f42b17a9d2b_Method5MSIP_Label_93932cc9-dea4-49e2-bfe2-7f42b17a9d2b_Name7MSIP_Label_93932cc9-dea4-49e2-bfe2-7f42b17a9d2b_SiteId9MSIP_Label_93932cc9-dea4-49e2-bfe2-7f42b17a9d2b_ActionId<MSIP_Label_93932cc9-dea4-49e2-bfe2-7f42b17a9d2b_ContentBitstrue2020-02-10T22:22:36Z Standard山ǿ Internal(ae1d882c-786b-492c-9095-3d81d0a2f615(7403261a-c0e6-4557-b0a0-0000494840ac0  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345679:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLNOPQRSTVWXYZ[\_Root Entry F a1Table8(WordDocument.nSummaryInformation(MDocumentSummaryInformation8UCompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q